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The Netherlands & Transversal analysis about Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands

The Netherlands & Transversal analysis about Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands

Social Enterprise in the Netherlands: Between Hope and Hype and Social Enterprise in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands: Where the Old Meets the New

The idea behind the “One day, one team, one chapter…” series is to present the four books published in the framework of the ICSEM Project and the Empower-SE ActionSocial Enterprise in Asia, Social Enterprise in Latin America, Social Enterprise in Western Europe and Social Enterprise in Central and Eastern Europe (the last two of which are available in Open Access)—and to introduce the so many incredible people who took part in the crazy “ICSEM adventure”!

An original contribution by EMES member Philip Karré, who chose to present the two chapters he wrote in the book Social Enterprise in Western Europe through a video!

Enjoy! 😊

Visit the Routledge website to get information about the four ICSEM books as well as the full Social Enterprise and Social Innovation series. You can also contact these national researchers to learn more about their work or download the ICSEM Project’s flyer here.

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