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The EMES PhD Committee….Welcome to Summer Series!

The EMES PhD Committee….Welcome to Summer Series!

The EMES PhD and Early Career Researcher (ECR) Committee are kick-starting summer with two webinars in May. These are an opportunity to meet your peers, find out who is studying what, where, and how you can work together, collaborate, chat and support each other. For scholars attending our upcoming EMES Training School in Seville, this is the perfect way to meet everyone before you land in the city of sunshine.

Your EMES PhD committee is hosting two events on the 19th and 26th May, where you get to meet your fellow EMES members. We will be chatting about PhD life, our upcoming summer school, plans for summer, plans for your academic career and of course….plans for that PhD! That you are starting, finishing or have finished!

RSVP here:


Brought to you by your EMES PhD Committee, so good conversations and connections are (always!) guaranteed!

See you soon!

EMES PhD committee


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