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Successful first research workshop on social enterprise and sports

Successful first research workshop on social enterprise and sports

More than 20 participants from nine countries (Australia, Croatia, (Republic of) Georgia, Italy, Norway, Romania, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom) attended the “Sport as community builder: Social entrepreneurship and social enterprises in sports” online workshop on December 11th.

The presence of both researchers and practitioners from different countries during the seminar, created the opportunity of a rich conversation on the multiple social dimensions of sports. As planned, out of the research presentations, the event included a domestic session presenting interesting Romanian case studies on sport as community builder.

On the other hand, the success of the roundtable discussion on the social entrepreneurship and social enterprise in sports, the opening workshop of the event, hopefully will generate a wider academic debate over an interesting research field to be explored. Researchers participating agreed to stay in touch to update each other on further developments concerning the topic of the seminar.

Overall, the seminar was well appreciated by the participants:

“that was just wonderful – a great group of people and i’m so happy to have been invited to join”;

“Thank you for the opportunity to present at the conference today – some excellent papers were presented”;

“A successful event, great day”.
All the presentations, academic and practitioners, are available for consultation here. For further information on the actions around this topic you can write to

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