SSE 2022 STRATEGIC PLAN IN GREECE: A request from the Greek social economy enterprises

SSE 2022 STRATEGIC PLAN IN GREECE: A request from the Greek social economy enterprises

Two recently joined EMES members, Christos Tsilikis and Stelios Katomeris would like to share their project: SSE 2022 Strategic plan in Greece with the EMES Community.

This project concerns the formulation of a coherent and holistic Strategic Plan for the Social and Solidarity Economy in Greece. It is an innovative bottom-up effort where Greek SSE entities are – for the first time – the authors of a Strategic Plan. It is also the first of its kind scientific attempt to develop a Strategic Plan for Greek SSE organisations by asking them to communicate their problems and suggest certain actions, solutions, tools, policies and strategies that will further develop the Social Economy sector in Greece. Its primary purpose is to become a comprehensive guide that will substantially contribute to the design and development of mid-term and long-term strategies and policies for the SSE in Greece and Europe that will contain visionary and realistic proposals and actions, aiming at the development and sustainability of the sector.

Project timing is unique as it runs alongside a series of complementary and combinational – extremely important for the future of the European SSE sector – initiatives in Europe. All aforementioned initiatives aim at the formation and development of a European Action Plan for the Social Economy so we strongly believe that our project contributes to this effort with valuable data of high reliability regarding the SSE sector in Greece. Project conclusions may be utilised by EU policymakers so – in a sense – Greek SSE entities may contribute to the formulation of a coherent and innovative European Strategic Plan“, as explained by the authors.

You can download a short text explaining the project or contact the authors directly: Christos Tsilikis and Stelios Katomeris.



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