EMES is very excited to bring to you the Social Entrepreneurship Diaries, a series of audio podcasts about social entrepreneurship and social enterprise (SE), focusing on European practices and research that we co-produced. Season one features six episodes of 20-30 minutes each, with a new show every other week starting on March 9th, 2016.
Social entrepreneurship and the related social enterprise concept are getting a lot of attention nowadays, from public agencies, politicians, companies, social scientists and the general public. We believe this surge of interest to be potentially very fruitful and our podcast series is one way of contributing to this movement and debate.
In Europe, there is a fascinating diversity of practices and reflections in the field of social economy and social entrepreneurship; but because of its patchwork of countries and languages, it is sometimes hard to communicate this diversity and learn from it, as it is hard to establish a sense of community within the many European citizens, thinkers and entrepreneurs who are active in this field. This podcast series wants to contribute to building that bridge.
The show is co-produced by se.lab, the EMES International Research Network and Impact Hub Amsterdam. It is hosted by Andreia Barbosa, a Portuguese journalist in quest of ideas for sustainable, ecological and inclusive ways of life. The Social Entrepreneurship Diaries are Andreia’s personal account of her travels in European social entrepreneurship. She organizes the contributions of different makers and thinkers (through interviews and chronicles), comparing and questioning the findings she makes along the way. Institutional producers provide advise and support at various levels, including access to knowledge and practice as well as production and communication expertise.
www.sediaries.org | www.selab.nl | www.emes.net | amsterdam.impacthub.net