Empowering the SE-research community! New scientific opportunities

Empowering the SE-research community! New scientific opportunities

In our previous post, we mentioned how proud and grateful we felt about what had been achieved in this Action during the previous months. In this one, we would like to build upon such positive emotions and share our enthusiasm with the world,


We would also like to show how our COST Action contributes to the empowering of the SE-research community. The beginning of May marked the launch of many new scientific opportunities. Allow us to walk you through all these exciting possibilities!

As many of you already know, the 7th EMES International Research Conference on “Sustainable development through social enterprise, co-operative and voluntary action”on June 24-27 will be co-organized with EMES and Sheffield Hallam University (United Kingdom) as part of EMPOWER-SE. During these three days, researchers will exchange on research reflecting on the role of social enterprise, cooperative and voluntary action in addressing, undermining and transforming sustainable development.

Researchers will also have the possibility to take part in the 3rd WG2 Research Workshop on “Unlocking the transformative potential of culture and the arts through SE“. For two days, selected participants (including researchers and stakeholders!) will explore the diverse relations and synergies between socio-economic and political movements and culture and the arts. Make sure to give a look at our call! You can submit your papers until July 1st.

Maintaining momentum of previous events, we will organize our 4th EMES-Polanyi Seminar in March 2020. The seminar will invite scholars to present contributions that discuss “Institutional challenges of ecological and social transition through Polanyian lenses”. The call shall be launched around next summer.

We are also excited to launch new scholarships opportunities.

If you have been eager to visit a University or Research Center in another participating COST country or to attend SE-related conferences that are not specifically organized by our COST Action, our STSM and ITC conference grants might be of interest to you!

If you would like to know more about eligibility rules and deadlines, feel free to visit our scholarships webpage.


Want to join our EMPOWER-SE Action? Visit our website and chose the Working Group you would like to join. Feel free to share as widely as possible!

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