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Biannual elections for the PhD representative on the EMES Board

Biannual elections for the PhD representative on the EMES Board

Engagement and support from PhD researchers and students are essential to the achievement of EMES’ mission. It is thus only logical that a PhD representative be part of the EMES Board of directors. Being a PhD representative on the EMES Board is a unique opportunity to get involved in the strategic decisions of a truly international research network. The position’s main objective is obviously to be the voice of PhD members at the EMES board. Still, the position also entails organising members’ training and research events and coordinating the EMES Junior Experts’ Blog.

In November 2021, a newly elected PhD representative—Kerryn Krige—joined the EMES Board, taking over from the former PhD representative, Sergio Páramo-Ortiz.

Sergio commented: “I am very happy that the EMES PhD community is active and growing, and I am certain that under Kerryn’s leadership, and with Kai’s and Marina’s support as part of the committee, the EMES PhD network will thrive even further.”


Votes for the PhD representative on the EMES Board


Sergio has served as a PhD representative since 2020, and we are immensely grateful for his support and contribution to the network. We hope he will have a brilliant career as a researcher and lecturer, and we will stay connected.

We would also like to thank Kai Roland Green, PhD candidate from Roskilde University (Denmark), and Marina Novikova, PhD candidate from the ISCTE – Lisbon University Institute (Portugal). They have been very involved in the organisation of PhD activities throughout the last year.

Kerryn Krige is a PhD candidate from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) and the University of Pretoria (South Africa). She will serve as a PhD representative on the EMES Board of directors until 2023.

Kerryn has been closely involved in the work of EMES for several years; she was responsible for canvassing opinions and sharing information and updates through EMES’ Facebook and LinkedIn platforms. She has also been involved in strengthening ties between EMES and ANSES.

Thank you to all those who participated in the elections, and best of luck to Kerryn, our new PhD representative!


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