#9EMESconf Gala Dinner venue

#9EMESconf Gala Dinner venue

We are delighted to welcome you to the 9th EMES International Research Conference, hosted by the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences and co-organised by KomSI, Competence Center for Social Intervention Research and EMES International Research Network.

In the words of the #9EMESconf co-chair Nicole Göler von Ravensburg:

To be asked to organize this Conference in Germany is a great honour and a serendipitous opportunity. The German Government is just about to develop first to support social economy organizations beyond the traditional welfare sector (Gemeinwohlorientierte Unternehmen). A social innovation strategy is close to being published. Research shows that 75% of all German start-up entrepreneurs are looking for positive social or ecological meaning, while one-third of investments are made into ecological or regional development. How befitting that the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action patronises this conference!

It seems to us that Frankfurt also provides a convenient venue for the EMES research community to discuss, test, joyfully embrace and critically appraise each other’s development of thought about the role and potential of social enterprises and cooperative and voluntary action in these changing times.

Renate Einecke // www.sevenpixels.de

In this manner, we would also like to share that the #9EMESconf Gala dinner will be celebrated on the third day of the conference (Wednesday, September 13th) at the SAALBAU.

SAALBAU SĂŒdbahnhof is located at Hedderichstraße 51, 60594 Frankfurt am Main. 

This building was constructed in 1914 in the Neo-Klassizism style. It was placed under monument protection in the seventies of the last century. It is an event location much favoured in Frankfurt due to its generous foyer and Winter garden, flooded with light and its unique atmosphere. Frankfurt „Saalbauten“, which can be found all over Frankfurt, offer space for encounters of any kind, especially suitable for conferences, seminars, and press conferences. The Saalbau-company was started in 1861 as a shareholding company by engaged citizens to answer the manifold wishes of the population for public meeting places. After World War II, it was transformed into a limited Company. Today, Saalbau GmbH is a City-owned company holding 30 different public venues with almost double as many halls throughout the City.  Anyone can hire these locations, civic associations having priority and making up for more than 60% of usage-time.

https://www.saalbau.com/unternehmen/auftrag.html (9.8.2023)

This mirrors Frankfurt’s way of life as well as the city’s aptitude for tolerance and openness. A Union’s Christmas Do takes place next door to the jubilee trash of a chorus association, a Moroccan bridal couple celebrates its big wedding party just after a staff meeting of a globally active company, Schorsch plays handball with Tom, a rock band exercises next door to a carnival dance guard exercising, and a product presentation takes place next to a small domestic animal exhibition. Frankfurt’s Saalbauten contributes a great deal to social life in this city.

We hope you will enjoy what promises to be an exciting conference, and we are looking forward to meeting you all in Frankfurt from 11-14th September!

Cover photo┃Renate Einecke // www.sevenpixels.de

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