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#9EMESconf┃ Excursions to local social enterprises in Frankfurt

#9EMESconf┃ Excursions to local social enterprises in Frankfurt

Traditional or young start-ups, large or small, engaged in a wide range of fields – Rhein-Main region is home to various social enterprises. As a tradition, EMES Conference will provide an opportunity for attendees to meet local social enterprises and the social economy ecosystem. On Thursday, the last day of the conference, the following three SEs will open their doors to give us some insights. Participants will have the opportunity to get to know their work, their values and the people who keep it running!

Die Kooperative

Image via website
Image via website

A young cooperative aiming to build a decentralized supply chain and democratic, communal decision-making structures independent of monetary contribution. Members receive fresh organic and seasonal vegetables once a week – coming either from the cooperatives own fields not at all far from the city centre or from affiliated regional farms.



Image via website

… is a centrally located café serving coffee, tea, snacks and homemade cakes – all produced and processed by social or ecological enterprises in the region. In the evenings, local art and culture are being hosted, following the inclusive and democratic idea of a salon open to everybody. As a non-profit social enterprise, frankfurtersalon employs and trains people with disabilities or in social need.

Struwwelpeter Museum

Photographer of the museum photos is Uwe Dettmar.
The photographer: Uwe Dettmar

A museum dedicated to the world-famous “Struwwelpeter” and its author, the versatile Frankfurt physician Dr. Heinrich Hoffmann, a reformer of psychiatry in the 19th century. Struwwelpeter Museum is an inclusive non-profit enterprise where people with and without disabilities work and products made in workshops for disabled people are being sold.


If you are interested in participating, please email us at for more information.


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