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9EMESconf Book Presentations ┃Handbook of Research on Approaches to Alternative Entrepreneurship Opportunities

9EMESconf Book Presentations ┃Handbook of Research on Approaches to Alternative Entrepreneurship Opportunities

Authors: Ciccarino, I. D. M ; Rodrigues, S. C. (Irene Dobarrio Machado Ciccarino & Susana Cristina Serrano Fernandes Rodrigues)

Publisher: IGI Global.


During the 9th EMES Conference, author  Susana Cristina Serrano Fernandes Rodrigues will present a chapter: Social entrepreneurship: what people are looking for when they talk about it? (2020) from Handbook of Research on Approaches to Alternative Entrepreneurship Opportunities.

Book authors: Ciccarino, I. D. M ; Rodrigues, S. C. (Irene Dobarrio Machado Ciccarino & Susana Cristina Serrano Fernandes Rodrigues)

Publisher: IGI Global.


Short description:

This chapter seeks to understand what motivates an investment in a social entrepreneurial initiative (SEI), in order to easy the fit between investors goals and the SEI proposals. It provides a benchmark for investors and a guide for entrepreneurs through the identification of the most valued investment criteria. Data were collected online between March and May 2019 from Schawb foundation, Skoll foundation, Ashoka and Yunus Social Business. It was analyzed by content analysis. The results obtained corroborate previous literature review as well as highlighted different perspectives, suggesting further research for a better understanding where theory can improve practice. This study contributes to a theoretical consolidation of social entrepreneurship research field by means of the identification of common points among the practice of global organizations and the theory. Exploring social entrepreneurship is important because it is a new way of doing business and delivering social value and maybe the better bet to achieving a more sustainable society.

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