#8EMES Selected Conference Papers available online

#8EMES Selected Conference Papers available online

The EMES Selected Conference Papers (ESCP) from the 8thEMES Conference, which took place in Teruel in October 2021, are now available on-line. These papers are available to a large international audience of researchers, scholars, practitioners, policymakers, students and, more generally, any person whose work is related to the third sector.

The texts were selected based on the evaluation of the session chairs. This selection is composed of six articles, including the Best Conference paper and the Best PhD Conference paper, all of which can be freely downloaded in PDF format and shared widely.

These are the six selected conference papers:

In case of questions regarding one of these papers, please contact the author(s) directly.

We want to thank all the authors and conference session chairs, and the organising committee for their involvement in the launch of this new series.


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