Membership and networking

At EMES, we invite all interested individual researchers
(including postgraduate students) worldwide to become members.

Join the growing network of collaborators,
partners and associated researchers in the “SE fields”
(social enterprise, social entrepreneurship, social economy and solidarity economy, and social innovation).

Why Join us

You will be part of the leading research network on social enterprise and social entrepreneurship.

  • You will have your own personal space on the EMES website with room for bio, picture and links to five publications.
  • You can participate in all EMES-organised academic events at reduced registration fees.
  • As a member, you can submit proposals for publishing in the EMES Working Paper Series.
  • You can look into the possibility of joining the Affinity groups within the network, which enable focused work around members’ areas of interest.
  • The full panel discussions of the EMES Conferences and results of Empower-SE COST Action are available for members. These include Stakeholder Briefs, selected conference papers, workshop proceedings, videos, and podcasts.
  • Members can use the EMES blog as an outlet to feature their work and contribute to the EMES Experts’ Junior Blog (EJEB).
  • Have an update on your work or an event that you co-organise? As a member, you can send us updates and have them published and circulated on our social media and the EMES news alerts.

Testimonials of our members


Researchers and professors


yearly rate


PhD and graduate students


yearly rate

If you are interested in an institutional membership, please

What are you interested in?