EMES activity report 2021 now available!

Throughout its 20-year history, EMES has contributed to creating a supportive environment where our members can thrive, personally and professionally, while inspiring the next generations of SE scholars.

In this manner, it is a real pleasure to present the Activity Report of our Network covering 2021. After the successful Conference, the EMES community thrived. Through this report, we share the most relevant milestones during the year: the successful closing of EMPOWER-SE COST Action, an excellent 8th EMES International Conference in Teruel and the publication of three new Routledge books now available in Open Access!

In an easy-to-read and visually clear style, this Activity report tells the story of EMES activities during 2021, what happened in terms of research initiatives, events, publications and training and education, and how the Network works in terms of membership and financial balance, etc.

This report also includes pictures of EMES events, which will undoubtedly bring back good memories to you. It includes plenty of figures which visually summarise information (timeline of the Network, maps, graphic charts…) much more efficiently than words could do, as well as links to a very large number of freely available publications.


We will not try summarising the report here. Probably is wiser to discover it by yourself. Enjoy!




Download the PDF of the EMES Timeline (1996-2022).
Want to become a member? All membership information is available here.